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DUI Roadblocks & Checkpoints In South Carolina

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2018 | DUI |

The month of December is oftentimes filled with Holiday parties. As most people are aware of, police presence in South Carolina on roadways and DUI checkpoints usually go hand-in-hand with the increased frequency of Holiday parties. What some people may not know, however, is that police must follow certain parameters when operating a check point. Federal law, for example, requires police to publicize the date and locations of DUI checkpoints in advance. If police fail to follow the required procedures and guidelines, then your DUI case may be eligible to be dismissed.

DUI Checkpoints In South Carolina

There are many basic guidelines police must follow during a DUI roadblock or checkpoint. There are four factors we see most often looked at when analyzing a DUI checkpoint case. First, police officers cannot stop vehicles at random during a roadblock. In other words, the vehicles must be stopped in a predictable pattern by law enforcement. Second, when police stop the vehicle, the length of the stop must be brief. Third, the stop must be safe and identifiable. Fourth, the roadblock or checkpoint must serve the public’s interest; in other words, it must be effective.

Things To Remember During A DUI Roadblock/Checkpoint

First and foremost, be sure to stay calm, be respectful and cooperative with officers. You should make sure to have your registration and license ready for the officers. It is also important to remember that you do not have to consent to a search of the vehicle if the officer asks and you are not required to perform any field sobriety tests. Since DUI laws are complicated in South Carolina, you should immediately contact a criminal defense attorney to help you with your case.

Speak to an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney About Your DUI Case Today

It is always a good idea to have a designated sober driver for your Holiday parties or whenever you know you will be out drinking. However, if you end up making the mistake and getting arrested for DUI in South Carolina, do not wait to contact an experienced criminal trial lawyer right way. DUI convictions can have a serious impact on your future for years to come. Therefore, make sure to contact an experienced DUI attorney who can give you the best chance at protecting your rights and future. Contact Young & Young, Attorneys at Law today where both law partners were rated as Rising Stars and Top Criminal Defense Attorneys in Charleston, SC by Super Lawyers.

