You Need An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer For Your Misdemeanor Or Felony Assault And Battery Charge
Assaults are often not premeditated acts. They may occur as bar fights or street fights. Even juveniles and college students can find themselves charged with assault and battery. However, this does not mean that the consequences of assault and battery convictions should be taken lightly. Having a misdemeanor or felony conviction on your record can prevent you from many job opportunities and other possibilities.
To contest these charges, you will need a criminal defense lawyer who will stand up for your rights. With our experience as former prosecutors on the violent crimes team in the 9th Circuit Solicitor’s Office, we know how to negotiate and when to take assault cases to trial. Young & Young, Attorneys at Law, can defend you against all assault and battery and violent crime charges in South Carolina.
Assault Can Be A Misdemeanor Or Felony Charge
There are different degrees of assault charges, and the penalties increase drastically with each degree:
- Assault and battery in the third degree is a misdemeanor. Penalties include up to 30 days in jail, a fine up to $500 or both.
- Assault and battery in the second degree is a Class A misdemeanor. Penalties include up to three years in prison, a fine up to $2,500 or both.
- Assault and battery in the first degree is a Class E felony. Penalties include up to 10 years in prison.
- Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature (ABHAN) is a Class C felony. Penalties include up to 20 years in prison.
It is critical that you are not overcharged for a more serious assault crime. We know how to review assault and battery cases and assess the degree of the charges. If you have been charged with a more serious crime, we will fight to get the charge reduced.
In addition, we will examine the state’s case and exploit any weaknesses. There may be mitigating circumstances such as acting in self-defense. You can rely on our experience working with evidence and witnesses in violent crime cases.
Contact Young & Young, Attorneys at Law, In Charleston
For a free consultation, please call 843-619-7755. You may also contact us online.