Utilizing Diversionary Programs As A Criminal Defense Strategy For South Carolina Domestic Violence Charges
Facing accusations of criminal domestic violence or domestic abuse can be overwhelming and threaten to destroy your future. However, Charleston County prosecutors have the discretion to identify defendants who are good candidates for education and rehabilitation and allow them to avoid a criminal record. Our criminal defense attorneys at Young & Young, Attorneys at Law, can protect your future by facilitating acceptance into a diversion program instead of a conviction.
What Is The Pretrial Intervention (PTI) Diversion Program?
The state of South Carolina has established a pretrial intervention (PTI) diversion program for criminal defendants facing accusations of crimes. By design, the PTI criminal diversion program gives those accused of crimes a second chance. If a defendant is eligible, and the defendant completes all of the classes, counseling, community service and education requirements, the original charges will be dropped. A PTI diversion program for domestic violence will include several weeks of domestic abuse counseling. There are also diversion programs for DUI crimes, drug-related crimes and juvenile crimes.
Can Someone Who Is Facing Domestic Violence Charges Be Eligible For A Diversion Program?
Defendants who are accused of domestic violence crimes can still be eligible for a diversion program. In order to be eligible for a PTI diversion program in South Carolina, family violence defendants must be:
- First-time offenders
- Accused of a misdemeanor or third-degree domestic violence crime
- The prosecutor and the victim must agree
However, even if the victim is unwilling to agree to a PTI diversion program, a domestic violence defendant still may be eligible for the Solicitor’s Intervention Program, which includes anger management counseling and family relationship education.
What Are Your Chances Of Being Accepted To A Diversion Program In Charleston?
Both of our criminal defense attorneys at Young & Young, Attorneys at Law, began their legal careers prosecuting domestic violence crimes in the 9th Circuit Solicitor’s Office in Charleston. Co-founding attorney Kelley Flynn Young also served as a magistrate judge for Charleston County, adjudicating a lot of misdemeanor domestic violence cases. As a result, they are familiar with the DV diversionary programs, and how to get prosecutors to agree to them in lieu of a criminal conviction.
Are You Eligible For A Diversion Program? Consult A Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Our domestic violence defense attorneys offer free initial consultation appointments. To schedule your free consultation, call our office at 843-619-7755 or send us an email using our website form.