3 Things To Do After A Car Accident
Even a seemingly minor vehicle collision can result in property damage as well as physical and emotional pain. Many individuals are struck with panic and confusion. In the face of stress, worry and confusion here are three things to keep in mind after a car accident.
Document Everything
It is important to remain calm after an accident. Remember that the actions you take right now will likely impact the course of your insurance claim in the future. It is our suggestion to document everything you can. Take photos of any damage, the road conditions and anything else you think might have value. Make notes to yourself regarding various elements of the accident. This is not the time for editorializing — keep your notes professional and limited only to facts. What were the road conditions? What were the weather conditions?
In the days and weeks following your accident, you might be called upon to recite this information to the police, your lawyer or the insurance company. It is much easier to read back through your notes rather than attempting to recall the details from memory.
Make Your Phone Calls
Even if there are no catastrophic injuries and what might seem like only minor property damage, we encourage you to file a police report and an insurance claim. By initiating both a police report and an insurance claim, you continue the work you started when you were documenting everything about the accident. Insurance policies differ, but, likely, your carrier will pay for medical testing and treatment following the accident. Even if an injury is not readily apparent, you might start experiencing the symptoms of whiplash or another soft tissue injury hours or days after the accident.
Don’t Sign Anything
An insurance settlement, that is. You might be required to sign the police report to authenticate your statement.
It is not uncommon for an at-fault party’s insurance carrier to attempt to settle quickly in an effort to protect both their customer and their own bottom line. This certainly doesn’t mean that all insurance companies are evil, but it is important to remember that they are companies driven by profit. It is wise to have an attorney on your side who can review any documents and ensure your best interests are being protected.
Call Us Today
In Charleston or communities throughout South Carolina, schedule a consultation at Young & Young, Attorneys at Law, to discuss your case. We offer free consultations on personal injury cases. Call us at 843-619-7755 or send us an email.